Guidance for Professionals
If you would like to speak to us about a child or young person you would like to refer to Rise, please contact the Rise Navigation Hub on 0300 200 2021. We can arrange for you to have a consultation with a mental health clinician within the Navigation Hub. Please note you are also able to get in touch with the Primary Mental Health Team, who can provide wider training for professionals around identifying and supporting mental health needs in children and young people. You can get in touch with them either through the Navigation Hub or directly to the Primary Mental Health Team on 02476 961 368.
Rise referral forms can be found here. If you have referred to Rise but still concerned please get in touch with the Rise Navigation Hub on 0300 200 2021.
Every Mind Matters is a NHS resource for people wanting to find out more about mental health
Transfer of Care into CWPT CAMHS.docx[docx] 34KB
Training for professionals (including schools)
Workshops for Professionals in Warwickshire who work with Children and Young People
Community support
Dimensions Tool - a free online tool designed to give tailored recommendations to support a person’s well-being and mental health needs.
Recovery and Wellbeing Academy - variety of free courses to support your wellbeing
Parenting Project - free counselling service in Warwickshire
Lifespace - mentoring for young people
Samaritans Education - providing resources, talks and support for schools
Innovating Minds - providing mental health support
Warwickshire CAVA - ConnectWELL
Coventry Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre (CRASAC) - Provides specialist support to children, young people and adults who have experienced sexual violence directly and indirectly.
Advice for Schools
We know mental health difficulties create blocks to learning. Worried, angry or depressed children will find it difficult to concentrate at school. It can be quite daunting thinking about talking to children about feelings or mental health issues, as teachers you spend a lot of time with children and young people and you may be the first to notice something is troubling them.
Many teachers are also unsure if they should approach young people about mental health issues in case it makes things worse, but simply noticing may be enough to enable a child or young person let you know how they are feeling. Don't worry about getting it wrong, children are very good at letting you know if this is the case. You will not make things worse. Even if they reject your efforts they will know someone has noticed and may come back to you or someone else in school and talk about it.
It is important that children feel safe to talk to you, be clear that things are confidential, do not promise to keep secrets, often children tell you things because they want something done about it. If it is a safeguarding issue always refer to your child protection lead in school and follow safeguarding procedures. You don’t have to have the answers to their difficulties, allowing them space and time to talk to you may be enough, it is ok to tell them you don’t know and that you will get back to them.
Strategies that may help
- Listening actively
- Open questions
- Warmth and empathy – be genuine
- Take account of cultural issues
- Emotional language – age appropriate
- Being there Links with attachment – make time
- Even if they don’t talk to you, the main thing is not to put them off talking to someone in the future
- Doing what you promise – don’t let them down!
- Create structure and regular routines
- Break tasks down, give brief, unambiguous instructions and sufficient time to complete them
- Provide a variety of physical activities
- Where possible sit the child at the front of the class
- Reward any achievement
- Knowing what they can and can’t do
- Be consistent
- Expect challenge
Autistic-Spectrum-Disorder.pdf [pdf] 78KB
Bereavement-Loss.pdf [pdf] 112KB
Eating-Disorders.pdf [pdf] 165KB
Videos about RISE
Below are some links for videos made by Rise clinicians about their services.
Mark Simmonds talks about making a referral
Sabrina Garnder-Orr talks about Emotional Wellbeing Groups
Dr Helen Veater and Michelle Hatt talk about the Children's Intensive Support Team
Sabrina Gardner-Orr talks about The Big Umbrella Project in Warwickshire Schools
Suzanne Alford talks about Support for Children who are Looked After in Warwickshire
Heather Moran talks about Autism and ADHD difficulties
Gemma Cartwright talks about the Neurodevelopment Service
Clara Mcdonald talks about Speech and Language Therapy within the Neurodevelopment Service
Claire Leonard talks about Learning Disability Referrals and Assessment