Mind welcomes team of young people for national citizenship scheme

For the fourth summer in a row, Vibes - part of Coventry and Warwickshire Mind’s Children and Young People’s service - has teamed up with the National Citizen Service programme.
This year we were pleased to host Team Sabesan, a photography skills team of twelve 15 to 17 year olds who spent two afternoons at the Coventry Wellbeing Hub in Wellington Gardens. They used their experience of visiting The Hub to learn about Coventry and Warwickshire Mind and how we support people’s mental health. They also talked to service users about what they think of us and created a short video which they shared with their parents and friends at Coventry University.
One of their other tasks was to create an awareness raising campaign that involved information and resources sharing, so they spent the day in Coventry City Centre handing out leaflets, talked to people about CW Mind and invited them to sign a giant board pledging their support in tackling mental health stigma.Their video focused on the need to recognise mental health just as much as we do physical health and that CW Mind is a great place to look for support. Tom Wood, a CW Mind fundraiser, was a part of the team; he bravely shared his experience as a young carer and his father’s suicide. They also took part in a sponsorship challenge and asked for the money they raised to be split between CW Mind’s Children and Young People’s services and the Staying Well Goal Group project which looks at raising awareness of suicide.
The team also joined us at The Junction in Far Gosford Street and spent the day taking photographs for our website and social media posts. The team were incredibly passionate, mature and motivated and it was great to have their input.